When do YouTube views update?
When do YouTube views update?
The short answer is; It varies. They are usually up to date every 24 to 48 hours.
Your metrics in your YouTube account may indicate more views than your video’s view count is displaying.
You may also notice that the views count you see on your computer may be more than what is showing up on your mobile.
In all cases of strange view count display, don’t panic. It is perfectly normal.
Wait a few days and you will see that your video’s view count will be up to date and aligned across all devices.
Why are my YouTube views frozen?
There are two reasons why your video view count might be stuck on a certain number…
1. Transition to a bigger server
It’s a brief technicality that happens to lots of videos every day, nothing to worry about, your views should update in a day or two on average.
The delay of your YouTube video views count is caused by a change of server – videos moving from dozens of views to hundreds of views and higher are moved to a larger server.
This transition is also used as a view audit, so your couple of hundred views need to be real, then your video views tally will update and continue.
NOTE: As of 2015 videos no longer freeze at 301 views – Read more HERE.
2. An random security check
There is another reason why a YouTube video might freeze for a short period of time on the same (or less) number of views. A views audit.
Since late 2014 views audits have become fairly common, however from late 2015 they have become ubiquitous – any video can have its views audited at any time for no special reason.
NOTE: Even if your video’s views are all completely genuine, some views may be temporarily removed from the view count while they are being verified, then they will be returned to the view count as they pass the audit.
Assuming your views are genuine, the audit will be complete within a week or so. However keep in mind; the bigger the video, the longer the audit.
Of course, if your video has attempted to use a viewbot to generate fake views then your video could be removed by YouTube.
Hope it helps!
All Video Views customers get free video optimisation tips (along with some free views for loyalty!), and their questions answered quickly.
Feel free to get in touch any time via our Contact Form or directly via email at support@videoviews.international
Yours Sincerely,
The Video Views Team
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