Buy YouTube Subscribers

Buy YouTube Subscribers

Buy YouTube subscribers or buy Vevo subscribers from us here at Video Views International to ensure the subscribers will stay guaranteed for life as part of our premium standard of excellence for which we’ve become renowned.

We are now in our third decade of operation and lead the way in online video promotion services.

We researched, invested and prepared for a long time before offering subscriber recruitment, but we proudly announced the full roll-out of our buy YouTube subscribers and buy Vevo subscribers services in mid 2016. Finally it’s here!

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Ignore the panicked promises of cheap/fake sellers, it’s not worth losing most of your followers when YouTube conducts its next “account culling” update.

Trust our quality services, enjoy our fast native English email responses, and our dedicated customer service that always goes the extra mile for our clients.

Don’t just buy YouTube subscribers – buy real YouTube subscribers.


Video Views With Every Package!

Subscriber recruitment is best achieved during successful video virality – when people see things are happening they are more likely to stick around.

Our way is the best way to buy YouTube subscribers – during a time when we are generating buzz for your video/s and channel with our high-engagement social media community.

… and of course your video views will come with guaranteed likes/engagement, as is the case with all our packages.

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We also include country-targeted views in every package, with a maximum of up to 10k views allowed to be targeted at any country of your choice!

As the 250 Subscribers, 500 Subscribers and 1,000 Subscribers packages each provide 2,500 views, 5000 views and 10,000 views respectively, ALL the views will be Single Country views with those packages.

With the 5000 Subscribers and 10,000 Subscribers packages there are 50,000 and 100,000 views respectively so there will be 10k country targeted views generated, and the rest will be targeted multi-nationally in line with your category/niche for optimum results, as always with very high retention (viewer watch time) throughout.

Real YouTube Subscribers

What we can guarantee you is that the subscribers are real – actual YouTube accounts that are active and maintained, with only the standard 1% drop off rates expected.

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It’s normal human behaviour for a few people to leave, and if you notice a few dozen leave just let us know and we’ll give you some advice on how to improve your channel, and we’ll get you back up to where you were previously.


Before you buy YouTube subscribers, understand that our Terms & Conditions require that you NOT use any other promotional services at the same time as our services. Our Terms & Conditions also forbid the use of other promotional services 30 days before and 30 days after you engage our services. We are not here to top up the dropped fake subscribers from our low quality competitors. We only guarantee the subscribers that WE bring on board, because we know they will not leave. Trust us, and only us, with the care and cultivation of your audience numbers.

PUSH The Bike First, THEN Steer It!

It’s amazing how much more attractive your channel looks to curious onlookers when you have a decent number of action and followers.

The “catch-22” situation goes like this: You need to attract people to get more subscribers, but you need more subscribers in order to attract people!

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We encourage the pro-active efforts of marketing a social media presence, establishing a good number of followers first, and then executing high quality content and engagement practices to retain those followers, and get more new ones organically without promotion.

If you sit there putting out video after video, it doesn’t matter how good the content is if no one’s watching or interacting with it.

Indeed you need that major viral video to go off the charts and catapult your channel to a new level – and you should always be working on producing that ‘break through video’ – but in the meantime you need to establish a reliable presence, something that people can see is worth “SUBSCRIBING” to!

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After all, they jump on board so that your latest videos will always appear on their YouTube profile when they log in – they want to keep track of what you do and how your story of content unfolds.

Plan well, plan far ahead, keep track of trends, topics and methods used by successful channels, team up with similar channels in a “comments exchange community” of sorts, and most importantly never give up!


Remember it’s a slog, but it’s worth it.

Building a successful channel is a difficult task and has never been achieved quickly, so make it fun, do what you love and inspire others with your passion and feelings, put out content that’s to-the-point, always removing your ego during the creation and editing process.

Never mind what YOU think is a great video. Give people what they want/need.

… and don’t load in 2 minutes of waffling dross at the start of a video before start giving it to them. Become a great video maker.

And if you are prepared to invest in yourself, then buy YouTube subscribers to ensure a higher percentage of people click that magic “S” button.


Thanks for visiting!

Whether you’re a film distributor, musician, performer, academic, fishing expert, sports fan, comedian, public speaker, politician, marketer or social media manager, we are confident of assisting you in your endeavours, to your immense satisfaction.

Don’t just buy YouTube subscribers. Buy REAL YouTube subscribers.

Thumbs up,
The Video Views Team

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High-retention real views + Likes/Engagement Included

Buy safe YouTube views, Vevo views , Facebook video views, Instagram video views, Vimeo views and now also Twitter video views AND as of 2022 you can also buy TikTok views! thanks to our safe, effective engagement-centred viral promotion services.

As social media platforms monitor the views of all videos, our high retention (long watch time) real views and real engagement via our massive viewer communities - relevant comments from people interested in your video - we stand alone as the best way to promote video content.

Trust our experience as the world's leading viral video agency.

Credit Card, PayPal, BTC, ETH … accepted

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