Buy REAL YouTube Views

Buy Real YouTube Views here
In this post we answer questions from video owners on how to buy real YouTube views to optimise popularity, virality and the search engine ranking of their YouTube videos.
The number of views is the strongest factor contributing to one YouTube video being ranked ahead of another. This includes onYouTube and with Google search engine results.
But there must be real views!
Views are followed closely by factors such as the video’s Title keywords, the Description keywords, the video’s likes, comments, channel subscribers and things like captions, tags, number of embeds etc.
Moreover, online viewers judge the view count of a YouTube video as the prompt for them to click on. Yes, sadly people use the number of views as a factor that compels them to watch the videos they see in YouTube results and Google video search results.
The number of views and the type of engagement signals also help viewers decide how long they continue watching on other social media platforms where they found the video.
Real YouTube Views – Real Likes – Real Engagement
At Video Views International, our customers enjoy the peace-of-mind that comes from the world’s largest provider of high-retention, safe, real video views that come with guaranteed relevant engagement from those viewers.
How do I know the YouTube views are real?
Check your video’s engagement signals
When you buy real YouTube views from us, you will notice that as your video view count increases, so do the video Likes (and maybe a couple of Dislikes) and you can also click on the profiles of any Commenters to confirm that they are real and active YouTube users.
Check your video’s analytics
Don’t just take it from us, check for yourself what the viewer retention is like:
- Log in to YouTube and visit your video
- Click > “Analytics” (near video bottom-right)
- Click > “Audience Retention” (in the left sidebar)
*If the video views are real, you will see a natural retention percentage of 40-70%. Anything below 20% is a likely indication of bot/fake views.
(*assuming a video of standard length ie around 10-minutes. Longer videos don’t require such high percentage retention in order to rank well)
The wisest and most strategic choice is to be patient and caring with your video, ensuring natural growth of audience viewership and engagement along the way.
How do I know my video’s search results are improving?
Conduct a “before-and-after” check
Go to YouTube and search for your video with the keywords that you want to be found with, for example; “wedding photographer Bristol”, or “–YOUR SONG TITLE–“.
Write down the position you currently rank in the results. Then after your campaign is complete, do the same check and you’ll see the results that our services have achieved for you.
NOTE: You should always place your keywords in your video Title if possible to get the most out of your views. Also, your keywords should appear as close as possible to the beginning of your video Description.
See these and our other YouTube video optimisation tips here.
How many YouTube views should I buy?
Enough to be competitive
Do some quick desk research on YouTube. Look at similar videos to yours – how many views do the successful videos have?
There is no need to buy a million YouTube views if the leading videos in your category only have 50,000 views. Don’t go overboard, you will only put people off with an over-exposed video that has been watched too many times because of too much paid promotion.
For more information, see our recent article on how many YouTube views to buy here.
How soon will I see my YouTube views?
When you buy real YouTube views we will commence your campaign straight away, with results showing within hours, so you can be sure you’ll see results on the same day.
Keep in mind that YouTube updates video view counts across many servers with a delay of 2-12 hours on average, so there can be some lag between when people watch your video and when the view count increases on the device that you are using to check your video.
The video view count on a mobile or tablet device will always lag behind even further than the view count that’s visible from a PC/desktop computer.
Can I buy real YouTube views from one country?
Indeed you can buy USA YouTube views, Canada YouTube views, UK YouTube views, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Japan etc.
Our Single Country views service can target several countries across multiple languages. CLICK HERE for more information on how to buy country targeted YouTube views.
How can I buy real YouTube views?
Debit Card & Pre-paid Card
We accept debit cards, including pre-paid cards such as Green Dot Card in the US, etc.
There are also Mastercard‘s pre-paid card options are available in most countries for shopping online.
As long as the card has a Visa or Mastercard symbol, you’re good to go.
Credit Card
We accept all major credit cards at our verified secure checkout, and rest assured we are an officially endorsed commerce site verified by Trustwave.
Add your thoughts below!
Add a question or comment below, contact us via our Contact Form here, or email us at any time and one of our expert customer service representatives will be in touch promptly.
When we say “expert customer service representatives” we mean a native English-speaking video marketing professional with at least 10 years experience!
Thumbs up,
Team V.V.i
I honestly did not think to look into the analytics section to determine if the viewers are real or fake. I will make note of this and find out what the numbers are, thank you.
Great to know that the analytics can give you an accurate number on whether the views are fake or real. Thnx for this. Had no idea.
Yeah, if you buy an insane amount of views, real or not, that just looks really fake and bad. Increase it slowly and naturally and make sure it is REAL.
Ah very cool. Had no idea that the analytics is able to determine whether the views are fake or not. Great to know.
Never was comfortable with buying YouTube views in the first place to be honest for the fact that most are fake and it shows. Thanks for this info.
Fake YouTube view are not cool. Good to know that you can tell which views are real and which ones are garbage.
Great info and I can tell you that these guys are awesome and do deliver real YouTube views!
Buying too many YouTube views at once is going to create suspicion whether the views are real or fake. Just don’t do it.
My video is frozen at 301 views, is that a sign that fake views may have been added? >.<
No not at all “starryeyes”. It is simply a transition to the main server to accommodate higher memory and load capacities. All videos exceeding 300 views need to be moved to the main, larger servers. Since September 2014 the information we have is that any video at any time can and will be removed as soon as it is discovered to have accumulated fake views.
Keep in mind that during a “views audit” (which happens to millions of videos everyday now) views may be removed temporarily from the view count, then restored once their authenticity has been verified. The YouTube bots detect suddenly accumulated views and give them a quick look, basically.
Bullshit bullshit bullshit blah blah blah ur all a bunch of dix.
I emailed three hours ago and nothing back, anyone there??? ….
Hi, we certainly are here, and if it’s been over three hours you should have received a reply by now. Check your Junk/Spam box, as first-time emails get sent straight to the electronic graveyard by many email systems. We are also emailing you now at the email address you’ve entered on our system here on the blog. Also here is our Contact Form –
Don’t people know better than to buy YouTube views nowadays? That to me is like asking for trouble.
Given that almost all YouTube views services are fake, that is a fairly true statement Lucy.
They do say if something sounds too good to be true then it is, but you guys have a good rep, I will give it a go.
Your YouTube account could be dinged if you are not careful with buying views. If you don’t buy from credible sources then that is it for you.
Hmm interesting
No “buy view service ” has a perfect streak
im curious , when i got views from ya how come yesterday i had 9200 views and today it DROPPED down to 7800 views , what went wrong , i am satisfied that i did get way more than what i payed for but whats the problem with the decrease in my views
Hi there, as we replied to your message, this is likely a standard views audit, whereby the views that have been frozen from the view count will be returned to the view count as soon as they are deemed to be real views. Since September 2014 this has become common practice for all videos on YouTube.
Another reason could be that you are viewing the video on a mobile/tablet device and the view count could simply be lagging behind on that device – YouTube’s mobile servers are a few days behind what you see on desktop/computer.
It took little longer than usual but, I am pleased that it is done.
Thanks and good work!! Thanks for your support and communication is very good as always !!
Can we have a free trial? We’ll be needing views from UK and Canada only too, pls email me asap.
Email sent.
we tried these out, good stuff guys happy with the results and the interaction on the vid
Great to hear, keep in touch!
hi my cuestion is if its posible to buy youtube views from spain and dont get in trouble with youtube? will they realice that im buying views? are this views real?
Hi, you will not get into “trouble with YouTube” and yes we can target Spain with some decent speed – our social media networks and online presence there is strong. Let us know if you have any further questions by emailing any time.
thanks for the quick replies by email guys keep up the great work!
We have several videos to promote on a regular basis, can we place a large order and use views from that total over a period of time?
Hi, yes you can and yes you can.
Hope this helps!
how about ur vevo service, is it for both the vevo and the youtube copies of the video and do you do the vevo hearts?
Yes it does cover both versions of the video for the price you see.
We have commenced testing our newly-developed Vevo hearts service, let us know if you’d like to take part in the test. All real profiles of course, mostly USA (including a hip-hop only community) but also EU and Latam etc.
If I buy real youtube views what’s the guarantee i’ll get real results
You’ll always get some growth and momentum from a campaign with us. How much you get depends on a lot of things including the basics like sound (the biggest ‘deal-breaker’ with viewers is poor sound) the brevity (long videos are not generally liked as much as those under 3 minutes) the presence of emotion or irony/humour or helpfulness/relevance, etc.
Use us as a resource. Learn about how best to put out your videos and optimise them, we’re here to help.
The article that we have linked to here will help you get started in this regard.
Hope this helps!