$ 42.50
100+ video Likes
5+ relevant comments
Completion 1-3 days on average.
The ONLY safe Vevo views serivce.
Our Vevo-safe views are the only way to go, for many reasons.
Read our article “WHY HAS VEVO DISAPPEARED?”
NEVER buy standard YouTube views for a YouTubeVEVO video.
Vevo’s unique requirements mean that ordinary YouTube views are not as effective.
Further, the spammy fake views our competitors provide will eventually be removed from your Vevo video, potentially affecting your Vevo standing.
Read more about our specialised Vevo views division HERE.
Split your views between multiple videos!
You can provide up to 4 different video links to share your 10k views – you don’t have to use just one video.
Also, you can keep your order open as long as it takes for you to use up your views. Feel free to take your time using up your 10k views if that’s what you prefer.
EXAMPLE: You could start by providing just one video link and requesting only 5k views in the order notes, then at a later date simply email us with a second video link requesting the remaining 5k views.
NOTE: If you only provide one video link and no instructions in the order notes, of course we will assume you want to generate the full 10k views for that video.
Research shows that a video with 10,000 views is over 6 times more likely to be clicked than a video with only 1,000.
Why wait and lose viewers? Get people’s attention right now, and get your video moving up in the search results for even more views and engagement.
When you generate high retention views and your video has strong engagement signals at the same time, YouTube and Vevo will favour your video, pushing it higher up in the search results, above competing videos.
This is known as the ‘Snowball Effect’; real views and engagement … means video appears more attractive to click … means more views … means continued dominance in search results … means more views. Bingo!
Eventually, with enough views and engagement you can relax and watch your video grow on its own, without any help.
Then you can focus on building the rest of your Channel to build and retain your subscriber numbers.
A quick boost for a new video to get things going?
Or perhaps some extra views on an older video to achieve your engagement target?
Or maybe you’d like to try out V.V.i for the first time … see if we are as good as we say we are!
Find out more
Learn more by visiting our specialist Vevo Views division HERE.
Contact us any time by email at support@videoviews.international
We look forward to welcoming you on board as a client.